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Meet Svetlana Borchashvili

Svetlana Borchashvili
Member of Pankisi Women’s Council, Kakheti Regional Development Foundation (KRDF) Project Coordinator
 ,,To be a part of religion and tradition are the most important things for Kist women. In order ro respect self-identity all we need is to give them the opportunity for education, development and employment. “
 Svetlana Borchashvili during her seven years of work (1998-2005) as a math teacher at Birkiani and Jokolo public schools on a daily basis and completely selflessly tried to deal with the problems and challenges with adolescent girls. Strengthening the role of women in Pankisi through their individual career realization and success and improving the overall background was Svetlana’s main goal and motivation.
 In 2005, after the Ministry of Refugees opened an office in Pankisi Valley she has officially started work with them to take care of the living conditions of the beneficiaries. As she points out, this was one of the most important, turning points in her life, which was accompanied by a great responsibility to the valley and a complex work routine against the social, economic, educational problems.
 Because of these values, many years of work experience and professionalism, Svetlana joined the Kakheti Regional Development Foundation (KRDF) team in 2011 and began active work for the Pankisi Women’s Council. Due to the mentioned activities, the project itself was expanded, a library was opened, sports and recreational events, competitions, trainings are held.