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Mamuka Khazaradze: Today’s meeting was important, we remedied Irakli Kobakhidze’s yesterday’s gross mistake

“Today’s meeting was important, we remedied Irakli Kobakhidze’s yesterday’s gross mistake,” Mamuka Khazaradze, the leader of Lelo for Georgia, told reporters after meeting with Christian Danielsson, Personal Envoy of the President of the European Council.

According to him, Christian Danielsson confirmed that he will stay in Georgia until the parties reach an agreement.

“Today we are here to remedy the case spoiled by Irakli Kobakhidze. The statement made yesterday was abnormal. Negotiations cannot be stopped, especially when mediators of this level are involved. Of course, mediation means that the main line is laid by them. They are listening to both sides and trying to bring them closer. I think we need to be patient to complete the process. The opposition is constructive in the negotiations,” Khazaradze said.

According to him, the opposition “cannot give up anything.”

“The Georgian Dream thinks it has to win. However, it is not about winning or losing, we are talking about the victory of our society,” Khazaradze said.

Christian Danielsson, Special Envoy of the President of the European Council Charles Michel, has extended his visit to Georgia and continues to meet with representatives of political parties.