Irakli Kadagishvili: Our proposals create the best basis for reaching a political agreement if the other side is at least slightly willing to reach an agreement

The proposals that have been made create the best basis for reaching a political agreement if the other side is at least slightly willing to reach an agreement, – Irakli Kadagishvili, a member of the parliamentary majority, told reporters.

Asked if any new proposals have been made by the government, Kadagishvili said that “everything is in place, including creative approaches to negotiate.” According to him, the Georgian Dream made many proposals, but he cannot elaborate on the content.

“Georgian Dream is very constructive at the negotiating table and we have offered many interesting solutions. Let’s wait for the rest. What the opposition has been demanding from the beginning – that the elections were rigged and we have to call new elections – was baseless. We said from the beginning that there will be early elections if we create a legal basis for it, so I will not dwell on their old demands. Today, everything is being decided at the negotiating table and the Georgian Dream has a lot of proposals and is constructive to reach an agreement,” said Kadagishvili.

According to him, he would like March 15 to be a decisive day in the negotiation process.

“I do not know whether today’s talks are decisive, but I would like them to be decisive. I can say one thing: the government is as constructive as possible at the negotiating table and it has taken the kind steps and made the kind of proposals on all issues, which create the best basis for a political agreement to be reached, if the other party is at least slightly willing to reach an agreement. The main thing is this – whether the other side has such a desire or not. If this desire really exists, then the offers on the table provide very good and fair opportunities,” Kadagishvili said

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